Avanti West Coast fund new mural to brighten up Wigan North Western station subway.

Local artist Jess Riley has produced a mural for the subway at Wigan North Western Station with help from the local community and youth groups, unveiled by the Mayor of Wigan on 9th November 2022
The mural celebrates Wigan’s unique dialect, known as ‘Wiganese’ and local communities were invited to nominate their favourite words and phrases to be incorporated into key landmarks such as the foot of the statue in Mesnes Park- often rubbed for luck!
Workshops were delivered in the local area across different age ranges, and hosted in venues including The Swan and Railway Pub, and Wigan Youth Zone.
Celebrating Wigan
Jess Riley, Mural artist: “It’s been an honour to paint this station mural and connect with members of my community, we’ve had great levels of involvement through the social media campaign and visiting local organisations and businesses.”
Find out more: https://www.southeastlancscrp.org.uk/wigan-north-western-mural/